YATM | When You've Earned The Right To Sell

Today's YATM newsletter is brought to you by this epic event...

Super Fast Authority. A free week (4th - 8th Nov) on how to raise your authority.

Hi YATMers, I’m Ella Orr and becoming part of this fantastic community took me by surprise! It all began after hearing the You Are The Media podcast in 2019.

Since then I’ve travelled down to Poole from Leicestershire for Creator Day and Lunch Club and am a YATM Club member. I was also given the wonderful opportunity to speak at Creator Day 2022.

I’m a personal branding coach, social media marketer and speaker and I love to sing!

As a music lover, I’ve been enjoying the listening to the Proms concerts on BBC Sounds. The Sam Smith one is a highlight.

Let's make sure we connect today.

Here I am on LinkedIn

Where I work here

You’ve got to truly believe you’ve earned the right to sell.

Creating value is a mantra that many people stand by when it comes to building an engaged audience.

However, the moment for your audience to take action—whether that’s paying, or showing up—it’s not always easy to convert that value into real-world commitment.

While creating value is important, knowing how to convert that value into commitment is just as essential.

If all you do is deliver value without an eventual “ask,” it can lead to missed opportunities. Many of us excel at creating content, but we may not be as confident at capturing attention that leads to action.

The Role Of Value: Widen The Gap

Chris Do, in a recent video, highlighted the importance of widening the gap between what you give and what you ask for.

He explained, ‘When you give and you ask and no gap between the two it’s a transaction’ (watch from around 20 minutes).

video preview

You need to stretch the timeline between delivering value and making the ask. Chris’s words were to play the game for as long as possible, without immediately expecting something in return.

This approach builds trust and strengthens your audience’s relationship with you, making them more likely to say “yes” when the time comes.

When It’s Time To Ask

There comes a point, however, when you do need to ask for a deeper level of commitment.

For me, it took a mindset shift.

For many years, YATM was a side project. It was my space to play and experiment. As I gained clarity on the value YATM provided—a space for community and growth—my confidence grew, and so did my ability to ask.

Confidence is key when making the ask. When you believe in the value you provide, asking feels natural and becomes easier for your audience to buy into.

If all you do is create, with no outcome, it can become a time-inducing hobby.

This is the approach that now helps me when it comes to the ‘ask’....

GOAL = accruing self belief, attention and revenue

Turning Commitment Into Growth

I used to dip my feet into the water with live events. They existed, I’d mention them on social media, I would refer to the newsletter to attend, but I wasn’t confident in their role. Once I gained clarity on the impact of these events, I became more intentional in my approach. As a result, attendances increased.

To illustrate: The first YATM Creator Day in 2022 attracted 85 attendees. After announcing the speakers for Creator Day 2025, we’re already over 100 attendees, seven months before the event.

What changed?

  • Content shift: People began to feel like they were part of something bigger.

  • Mindset shift: I had more belief in my own value and confidence in what I was offering.

Seven Steps to Shift from Value to Commitment

Here’s how to frame your work so your audience feels comfortable committing and buying from you:

I've figured out seven ways to make it easier for people to say ‘yes’ to you.

1) Get Clarity On Your Role For Others

All the content you share should be in line with the role you play for your audience. Your vision should be clearly defined and based on what your audience needs.

When you have a deep understanding of your audience’s current situation and how your work solves a problem, their commitment becomes the next natural step. This represents your purpose and being there for others.

2) Your Story Drives The Value

Finding your start binds everything together. The benefit of working with you becomes magnified. Your origin story adds depth to the value you offer.

It’s not just about the product but about the journey that led you there. Sharing your story—why you started and what challenges you overcame—creates an emotional connection. People buy into you as much as they buy into your product.

When your audience connects with your origin, everything else follows.

3) Make First Steps Feel Easy

Start with small, simple actions, such as signing up for a newsletter, to build trust.

The goal is not to immediately push someone to a landing page to make a purchase, but to consistently present ideas and perspectives.

You want them to feel familiar with your content when they see it in their inbox. Each interaction, such as a newsletter, reinforces trust and increases the chance of buying in the future.

4) Keep Relationships At The Heart

Relationships should be at the centre of everything you do. Many businesses treat their marketing channels as transactional engines. Instead, focus on using these channels to build real relationships.

People buy from you not because they know you, not because you always step up as a stranger.

5) Share Knowledge Without Expectation

When you recognise the role you serve, you discover different paths to take. It also becomes more comfortable promoting yourself when you have a structure in place.

It’s not about why you’re great, but promoting the value of what you do that helps the right group of people. It’s promoting useful thinking, different approaches and proof that works. When your audience trusts your expertise, committing becomes a natural step.

6) Leverage Social Proof

Let others advocate for you. This is centred around positivity and good feeling that isn’t from you, but someone else. It could be a review, it could be to say ‘I’m attending,’ it is anything where you know the work is not all on you, but people feel willing and happy to stand alongside you to promote.

For instance, there is activity this week around YATM Creator Day. Bursts of activity around the speaker announcement and then we’ll pick up later in the year. It means a lot when someone else is prepared to share and being an advocate for your work.

People trust the experiences of others more than marketing messages, so let your community help spread the word.

7) Long Form Content Is Your Magnet

Long-form content such as blogs or podcasts allows you to delve deep into your ideas and build authority.

Posting on social is fine, but in the long run, it is your bank of work that allows people to recognise your thinking and how you establish authority. Social is a space where you link people to the long-form thinking.

You create work that is relevant to others and when they can see you put in the time and effort, this helps to put someone else’s mind at ease that you come from a place of conviction.

Let’s Round-Up

At the core of any successful creator’s journey is the belief that you’ve earned the right to ask for commitment.

It is never about bombarding your audience with endless content, but rather about building genuine relationships that are rooted in trust, value, and mutual respect.

When you believe in your own value, asking for that commitment becomes a natural part of the relationship.

You’re no longer just creating for the sake of creating; you’re building a bridge where your audience feels comfortable walking across and saying “yes” when it matters most.

Time Wasting

Discover what the weather was like on the day you were born.

This Week Around The Web


You can be a genius - from Matt King

AI “exceeding human intelligence” and it “trying to take over - from BBC Newsnight


Future of Creators Summit - from Circle (it's free to attend)

Why a good community lives by action - from me


​Best social channels for newsletter growth - from Chenell Basilio

How to build truly personalised email experiences - from Alt Marketing School

Creator Day '25. Come On In

It goes up from £155 to £199 tomorrow (Friday). Grab your place and save ££.

Better Together

True impact is created by people who participate throughout the journey.

The past few years have emphasised the importance of collaborative work. Detachment from others hinders progress, but collective effort and shared purpose drive change.

Collaboration is the catalyst for transformation, where every voice matters, and together, we’ll forge a path towards a brighter, more connected future.

People Of YATM

"I’ve been part of the YATM community since 2013, when it was just a small group of us in a room, listening to somebody’s personal business journey.

And that hasn’t changed over 10 years. We are still a community, just a bigger group. We are encouraged by others’ success stories, learn from shared failures and lucky to be able to test ideas and strategies with each other.

I’ve made some long-lasting friends who I look forward to seeing at every event, and am genuinely excited to hear about their stories, and what their plans are for the future.

YATM is a safe space to come together, to encourage and celebrate success. Long may it continue!"

Alix King

Join In With Team YATM

YATM lives online and offline. Join in and be with the people who have never given up on their dreams.

🏡 This morning at 9.15 is Working Together in YATM Club, join here

💥 Tues 22nd Oct is new Your Values sessions in YATM Club, join here

🍕 Thurs 7th Nov is YATM Lunch Club Ai Special book here

​Click here to watch the end of newsletter video. Enjoy the day....Mark

Upgrade and join YATM Club (click here)

Come to Creator Day in May (click here)

From the beach hut, down by the sea, Poole, England.
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You Are The Media | Mark Masters

You Are The Media (YATM) is a marketing learning community helping businesses become self-sufficient 🌊 Home is the south coast of England but our audience is over the world 🗞️The central place has been the Thursday newsletter, but surrounding that are live events and scaling camaraderie when we come together ✊.

Read more from You Are The Media | Mark Masters

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