YATM | The Power of Active Communities

Hi YATMers! I'm Susanna Reay, my clients call me their Clarity Queen, I’m known for my visual frameworks with deep and fast insights as a Business Clarity Coach.

My passion is to inspire business owners to think big and own their uniqueness, as they set up their expertise to serve to many. This often starts with creating courses, then moves into events, books and talks to share their IP (intellectual property).

I love taking time to think by walking in fields near my home in South Oxfordshire. As the evenings get darker, I’ll be zoning out to shows such as: ‘House', 'The Umbrella Academy' and ‘Atypical’.

The book I’m reading right now is Stolen Focus by Johann Hari, and makes an interesting read for all!

Today I’m excited to invite you to join me at Super-Fast Authority - the global think-tank summit for expert entrepreneurs.

It’s a unique twist on the summit model; it's for attendees to develop, stretch and apply the ideas shared in the live sessions. It runs from 4-8 November.

Let's connect today and I'd love see you at the online summit.

Book your FREE place at Super-Fast Authority

Me on LinkedIn

A community works when people make things happen together.

If you create a space for people, when they become and feel active participants it lifts everything.

In today's YATM newsletter, let me share what it takes to progress efforts where people act and where time and energy is shared and not 100% on one person’s shoulders.

Where This Started

From now on I am going to champion the use of community with the intention ‘to do.’

We have our membership space, YATM Club (on Circle) and what has changed since its launch at the end of last summer is the ability to make things happen as a team.

This is about doing more together, rather than all eyes on one person to deliver like a teacher at the front of the class.

People suggest ideas, we run with them.

The ideas become extended and we introduce new strands. We’re continually planting seeds and stepping back to see what grows. Rick Rubin says in The Creative Act:

‘it’s helpful to think of the work as bigger than us. To cultivate a sense of awe and wonder at what’s possible and recognise that this productivity is not generated by one hand alone.’

Community as a Noun vs Verb (Think More Verb)

We usually think of a community as a group of people with a common interest.

This is how YATM functioned from 2016 to 2022. This was where people became visible to each other and they connected around shared values and ideas.

It feels good to say ‘I feel a part of this community’ as it helps give us a sense of place. Whether online or offline, where people feel more connected with each other, it becomes easier to introduce others.

If we really want to understand the full potential of what a community means, we need to see it as a verb. This means something active and does so much more than exist. This is where people act, collaborate, and build something greater than they could alone.


A group of people who share a common interest or identity.

They are gathered, but the interaction remains surface-level. People may come together, but their bonds don’t grow as a result of any shared action. This was YATM during the early years—a gathering place, yes, but without the deeper, more meaningful interactions that foster real connection.


A group of people who actively make things happen together.

They collaborate, create, and contribute, forming stronger bonds and building momentum through their shared actions. This is what YATM has grown into since 2023, as we’ve moved toward a model where community members do together, not just exist together.

It’s much easier to think of community as a noun—simply gathering a group of people. But if you want a rich, vibrant experience, you have to make community work as a verb. This requires deeper engagement, mutual effort, and a shared sense of purpose. It takes work, but tastes so good when it works.

I’m sharing with you to reflect on the changes in YATM. Active engagement is the key difference when it comes to longevity. In the past, people would attend events or read a newsletter. But there wasn’t always a strong back-and-forth.

I now treat the YATM Club space as the advisory/action board. Now, it’s about asking: “Who wants to host an event?” or “Who has an idea they want to put forward?” The focus has shifted from passive participation to active contribution.

The Power Of Active Communities

Listening to an episode of Indie Busines Club with Mel Barfield and Ben McKinney, the discussion around community hit home.

Ben picked on the importance of community providing the opportunity to lead. Ben leads our Sense Check sessions each month and the ideas we have in our head that we never get to share.

Ben explains:

"To me community means collaboration and involvement. I don’t want to join a community where I’m member number 2,799 and where I’m spoon fed resources or opinions of the founders. I want to be involved, take the lead, offer help, ask for help and I want to be seen and recognised for these things too."

Leadership isn’t about one voice taking charge, it’s about creating an environment where people can step up, collaborate and share their strengths.

The community verb isn’t about creating a fan club, it’s about developing a culture of shared leadership. People are encouraged to step forward, offer their ideas, and take part in shaping the community.

Ella Orr sums it up simply:

“For me, community is always about the ‘doing’ and ‘working together’.

That’s how we grow and truly get to know each other as human beings.” Her words capture the essence of what makes a community thrive. It’s not just about being present—it’s about doing things together, working toward common goals, and building stronger connections in the process.

Darren Slade echoed this sentiment,

“A community isn’t something you’re just ‘in’; you have to contribute to it.”

The act of contribution is where real value lies. When people feel empowered to contribute, they move from being passive recipients of content to active participants in the community’s growth and success.

Jon Jenkins now looks at community a different way:

I often associated communities with people having shared interests but I have now come to believe it isn’t about interests or work but values, morals and principles. The human fabric that binds us together. An association, a knowing that we understand each other, a mutual respect and of course a sense of kinship.

How You Can Bring In Action To An Active Community

So, how do you take community from a noun to a verb? Here are some key steps I’ve learned through my experiences with YATM:

Emphasise Participation:

Give people a reason to step up. Ask for ideas, invite people to lead discussions, and create opportunities for others to take part. Don’t let the community be a one-person show. You never know the talents and skillsets that other people posses, that you never saw before.

Make It Easy To Join In:

Build systems that allow for easy collaboration. Whether it’s through live events, online forums, or small working groups, create spaces where people can work together and contribute their ideas. You need a means where it is seen by the group, rather than a LinkedIn post seen by people you are not familiar with.

Acknowledge Contribution:

Celebrate the people who step up and contribute. By acknowledging their efforts, you encourage other people to do the same. This recognition builds momentum and keeps people engaged. Plus it feels good when people are seen for their work. Too often people work in silos hoping for the attention from an anonymous audience.

Create Shared Goals:

Communities thrive when they have a common purpose. Whether it’s launching a project, building new skills, or simply supporting one another, having shared goals gives the community a sense of direction.

Empower Leadership:

Encourage people to take ownership of different aspects of the community. As Darren Slade noted, being part of a community means contributing, and that means creating space for others to lead.

Promote Interaction:

The communities who will win will be those that prioritise interaction. Encourage people to connect with one another, form smaller groups, and have ongoing discussions. This builds trust and deepens relationships. In YATM Club, we have separate DM Groups related to the sessions we have.

Let’s Round-Up

The goal is to create a place of action, not just a static group.

It’s where people feel empowered to share, contribute, and lead. The result is a stronger, more vibrant community that produces real outcomes, both for its members and for the wider world.

As we’ve seen with YATM, this approach has transformed what was once a simple gathering of like-minded individuals into a thriving, active network of people who do together. The bonds are deeper, the conversations more meaningful, and the results more impactful. That is where I want to progress, I want to be with people who want to do more together.

So ask yourself—are you part of a community that simply exists, or one that acts? If it’s the latter, you’re creating something truly powerful.

Time Wasting

I found a place where you can bounce cats on your screen.

This Week Around The Web


7 AI tips to optimise your LinkedIn profile - from Ruben Hassid

The economic value of human authenticity - from Mark Schaefer


Build a life of belonging: reconnect with the natural world - from Grateful Living

Dealing with conflict in a community - from Bri Leever


8 ways to convert more - from Marketing Gems

3 unethical ways (not) to grow your newsletter - from Louis Nicholls

Embrace What You Can't Stop

Discovering something you know you cannot stop, that can be useful for an audience who will care, is better than slogging your heart out to find your place in the market.

Being curious, creative and motivated is how you find long-term success in what you do.

This is about building your message and audience alongside your business.

The People Of YATM

Join In With Team YATM

Here are the live events that are happening into early '25.

🏡 This morning at 9.15 is Working Together in YATM Club, join here

🍕 Thursday 7th November is YATM Lunch Club Ai Special, book here

💥 Thursday 7th February '25 is YATM Lunch Club London, pencil in

​Click here to watch the end of newsletter round up vid. Enjoy the day...Mark

Upgrade and join YATM Club (click here)

Come to Creator Day in May (click here)

From the beach hut, down by the sea, Poole, England.
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You Are The Media | Mark Masters

You Are The Media (YATM) is a marketing learning community helping businesses become self-sufficient 🌊 Home is the south coast of England but our audience is over the world 🗞️The central place has been the Thursday newsletter, but surrounding that are live events and scaling camaraderie when we come together ✊.

Read more from You Are The Media | Mark Masters

Today's YATM newsletter is brought to you by... The Grapevine SIM. Unlimited data for £19.50 + VAT a month Your new phone SIM here Hi YATMers. I’m Jo Edge and I joined the YATM sphere this year after soaking up all the love for it across social media. I’m really looking forward to Creator Day '25. I had a career pivot eight years ago when I was looking for more purpose and flexibility with work and I went solo four years ago when I was made redundant at the start of the pandemic. These days I...

Today's YATM newsletter is brought to you by this epic event... Super Fast Authority. A free week (4th - 8th Nov) on how to raise your authority. Book here Hi YATMers, I’m Ella Orr and becoming part of this fantastic community took me by surprise! It all began after hearing the You Are The Media podcast in 2019. Since then I’ve travelled down to Poole from Leicestershire for Creator Day and Lunch Club and am a YATM Club member. I was also given the wonderful opportunity to speak at Creator...

You're the first person to see the presenters for Creator Day... I’d love for you to be part of Creator Day '25. It’s more than just an event—it’s a chance to connect, collaborate, and grow alongside your YATM community friends. We kick off with Failed Nights on Wed. 14th May, followed by our Friday morning sea swim to refresh and energise together. The heart of it all is Creator Day—a day where we come together as one united team, ready to inspire, support, and push each other forward....